3 years and 9 months

3 years and 9 months

Aug 11, 2022
Today is the 11th - which marks a “monthiversary” for Leo and Jordan. We slowly wake up in a sunny room wrapped in a single bed. I had thought that we were also using a single duvet, but it turns out that Jordan had been reeling it in all night haha.
The morning starts slowly and I make us a broccoli and cauliflower omelette for breakfast. Jordan gets stuck into some work and I pop down to the Postnet to print a form that we need for the UK visa application.
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My bank card has finally arrived today after it being allegedly promised since Monday. This was potentially a piece of admin that could have caused some unneeded running around next week. Jordan has a conference later and I have a long overdue date with the Drifters store here that looks much bigger and better than the Cape Town branch.
When we arrive at the TLS office there are people talking loudly in frustrated tones commenting on how long it’s taken for their visas to be processed.
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Leo and Jordan are chilled though. We wait in the lines, have cute conversations and sail through the whole process pretty painlessly. There’s a chance we won’t get it in time, but we’ve done out best. We’re throwing up the idea of not going for the Schengen visa and rather doing a longer motorbike trip through turkey and maybe Albania. This sounds good.
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On the way out of the building Jordan almost has a heart attack when Petit Noir is in the lift with us. We chat about it for a while afterwards. Hunger is calling and Jordan has an hour before her conference and Vida is close and convenient. They make a damn good chorizo toasted cheese.
I drop Jordan off at the conference and take myself on a little shopping adventure. First up is an international drivers license. I then get some electrolyte pills for the run. But the big excitement is the Drifters store. I’m a huge fan of the Cape Town branch, but this one is a million times better.
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If I had unlimited money with no spending guilt I would probably come here first. I buy a map of the Drakensberg for this weekend, some flasks (as my old ones don’t fit in my fast pack) and a smaller gas canister. I refrain for countless epic pieces of gear.
I potter around and then head back to collect Jordan after the conference. We decide to head home first to eat a cheap meal at home and then go out for an expensive cocktail. A quick egg on toast later and we’re in the Uber going to a bar that I had heard a lot about: sintax.
As we arrive there is a massively tall bounce with blue fashionable glasses, a huge smile and a lot of charm. Jozi Jordan is greeted by one of her drum and bass party friends which is brilliant. The entrance is simply a black door on a wall illustrated by an enormous mural of an elephant in the cosmos - it’s beautiful.
We get ushered inside to a beautiful bar. True to form, drum and bass is playing. The staff are dressed up in black tie and other trendy derivations of that. We sit outside at a table and are given a bag of popcorn to make us thirsty.
Jordan’s DnB friend comes up to us and we have this simple conversation: ”Do you drink alcohol?”
“Ok, I will be back”
To which she returns with two delicious shots.
It’s a Monkey Gin promotion night and I choose a burnt pineapple, soda and gin cocktail - delicious. Jordan goes for a negroni which is powerful and great. A charming promotion man comes up to us with all the moves and charisma. He makes me spin a wheel as I have ordered a Money gin cocktail, I come away with a free ticket to another gin cocktail.
We get moved to a table where the seats are swings. It’s both thrilling and off putting. A band starts setting up and before we know it we’re thrown into a full four piece jazz night. They are brilliant and sweet.
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Jordan and I have some lovely conversations about us. Many affirmations and recognitions of things that we’re doing right for each other. I’m truly so grateful for this relationship, a place where we both have room to grow and thrive on our own, but with such a beautiful mutual love that coming back together always seems right.
I cash in my free drink for a Gin, rose, citrus and soda - this is the winner. We share the drink, listen to jazz and share some love. When the band stops for a break we drift over to an Italian restaurant for a salted caramel tart, another great decision.
We end off the night with a 💥