A Sunday shopping mall?

A Sunday shopping mall?

Sep 18, 2022
I wake up fairly early to create a shorter video called Bovineiterology highlights. A put a Bongeziwe Mabandla song in the background and manage to just do it in one go without being too much of a perfectionist.
The power goes off and we head off to the Rosebank mall to get some things for Malawi. We look for a travel adapter and then pop into Pic n Pay for some dry food to bring. We manage to crush these tasks fairly quickly. Weโ€™re hungry and Jordan has the brilliant inspiration of going to the Sunday market that is the top of the parking garage.
This market is reminiscent of a slightly more fancy Milnerton market in Cape Town and we trawl through the little jewellery, food, trinket and craft market. Looking for lunch we spot an Indonesian store and I am so excited to see that they have Beef Rendang. The owner of the store is surprised that I know of it and I tell her in Indonesian that I lived there for two years. There is a woman next to me in the line who laughs and tells me that she is from Java. We have a lovely chat about things and then the food arrives.
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I have quite an emotional experience eating the Beef Rendang Nasi Champur. Itโ€™s truly authentic, probably the best Indonesian food that Iโ€™ve had outside of Indonesia. So many memories and emotions come back to me and the spice helps a tear trickle out. There is a man playing flutes and a guitar - rather badly - nearby and it kind of completes the moment.
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We take a stroll through the shops and find a massive Doc Martin stand that unfortunately is too expensive to justify Jordan buying some sandals. A man sells me a small dish that is a garlic crusher against my initial wishes - but retrospectively Iโ€™m so happy that I got it. Jordan buys me a small ring that Iโ€™ve been looking for for a while.
We have a coffee outside Woolworths and talk Malawi packing strategy and then pop into Fournos for a chocolate croissant. Itโ€™s time to go home!
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When weโ€™re home we get stuck into packing bags that takes several hours but is mostly very successful. A great stir fry is made for lunch in the candle light and then an early night is on the cards.