Fresh Saturday

Fresh Saturday

Jul 16, 2022
St Francis
  • I woke up this morning feeling like P Diddy for sure. Clean, well rested And all that. Mostly just so grateful not to be hungover again.
  • Made a coffee and took it easy
  • Gary, one of the owners came and had a fat chat.
    • Seychelles
    • Big coconuts
    • Journalism
    • Ex wives
    • Oils
    • Growing.
  • I repack the car (fucking well this time) and head off to check the waves at seals
    • It’s looking ok. I’m torn between a run or a surf.
  • I go running. I need to start getting more fit and the waves are quite crowded.
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  • it’s a beautiful trail along the edge of the intertidal zone on route to oyster bay.
    • My body isn’t feeling top notch. But I know that there short quicker runs are going to be the best thing to get me ready for Rogue Running through the Transkei
  • Went for a swim at the beach. Watched groms send some airs on the close outs and enjoyed the sun
  • Living cheaper now. Eating spar fish and chips (with a lot of mayo) while watching hullets
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  • made a coffee because it was an obligation
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  • I went for a lovely surf at hullets on Angelica. It was slightly bumpy so there wasn’t a ton of nose riding going down, but I did some beautiful little cutbacks. The right at hullets is such a lovely log wave.
  • Kiah, Larissa, Kiwi, Stevie and the whole muizenberg gang rolled in a we had a fat chat.
  • I went off to Sasha’s house on the wild side of cape st francis. The sun was setting and it was spectacular
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  • we went for dinner at full stop and had a lovely pizza and drink. I haven’t spent one on one time with Sasha before but we had the most lovely evening together, conversation flowed and we hit so many good topics.
  • We came back home and watched Queer Eye; the episode about the plaster and the dog groomer. So goddam cute
  • Going to sleep, clean, I’m the most comfortable bed in such an incredible house. I’ve kept the curtains open to see the lights of chokka boats out at sea, but mostly for the waves of nostalgia that hit me as the lighthouse beam sweeps over the gorgeous coastline.