It begins

It begins

Aug 20, 2022
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5am my alarm goes off. 5:30am I’m driving out the campsite. 5:33am I’m sitting behind a locked farm gate. This is the price I pay for not finding anyone to check in with. 6:03am two construction cars luckily know the code.
The road is marked with stop goes and long waits at construction sites. I’m running late but it’s okay. I descend on East London from the west. Fred from the north by airplane and Damo from the south east by bus.
I haven’t had coffee so I smash a sugar free Red Bull in Elliot. Then proceed to get really in the zone and cruise over the most pot holed road on earth.
I make it to east London and pick up Fred from the airport. We head over to cafe Nero to collect Damo from his bus that has just arrived
All three of us head over to a friend’s parents house to do a bag drop. Garry and Janine welcome us with flap jacks, brownies and coffee. Gary excitedly talks to us about the Transkei and other crazy adventures that he’s been on
We managed to get all my things in the car as well as Damo in the back. We smash a chicken strip wrap for lunch at the Kei bridge petrol station
We descend into the beauty of port St. John’s at night the backpackers is welcoming we drink some beers and play two games of pool before the local homies show us how it really done.
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Damo and I have two and a half dom Pedro’s each and decide to challenge ourself to have one each day. Following each dom Pedro we have to run a 100m sprint
Estimates on the total elevation over the total run:
  • Leo: 5950m
  • Damo: 4700m
  • Fred: 3800m
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We decide to run the thirteen peaks. But rather than running up peaks we just run to Spur for a meal. The thirteen spurs.
WYBMADIITY. Fred comes up with a creative meaning for what actually means: will you buy me a drink if I tell you.