Last Friday in Joburg

Last Friday in Joburg

Sep 16, 2022
I wake up before my alarm and get stuck into editing V2 of the Bovineiterology video. The first iteration suffered from a technical malfunction preventing it from being exported, but it also suffered from being an hour long. Watching it with Jordan I realised that it was indeed a little too long. So this time I aim to keep it down to half an hour, and I definitely think that it is better for it.
I head over to Fredโ€™s house again and basically show myself into the block of flats - the security seemingly to recognise me. We power through a fun day of creating logos and setting up a simple landing page.
notion image
The day passes in a flash and Iโ€™m feeling pretty tired. Fred runs off at 5pm and I head home. We are going to go to visit Josh Hartford at Mishaโ€™s house after dinner. Itโ€™s Friday night and we donโ€™t feel like cooking. We flex a Bolt Food voucher and devour two curries that even while being medium still pack quite a punch.
Hopping into an Uber and engaging in a pretty classic conversation with the driver around the challenges of life. We get to the beautiful flat and meet a friend of my cousin Kirsten. All the Cape Town homies are there and itโ€™s a bit of a party. Theyโ€™re cooking a liquid on the stove and pizza is flying around.
Jordan and I share a beer, eat some KitKats and talk a bunch of lovely nonsense with them all. Iโ€™m absolutely exhausted - maybe from the quasi-work week and we head home at about tenish.