Mile cry club

Mile cry club

Oct 2, 2022
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Our flight is at 2am to Nairobi. We both get minimal sleep. Nothing truly exciting happens - just the usual international airport shuffle and sitting around. I find some nice music:
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We find reclining chairs and get a couple more hours sleep. Coffee is calling - we sit down at a restaurant and I order a coffee and omelette that makes my morning.
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The hours pass. We take a walk: try on sunglasses and perfume. My stomach isn’t doing too great but it’ll be ok. We sit back down for a lunch and another coffee.
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I get stuck into the long overdue task of going through the basics of Typescript.
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We’re sitting around bored. My stomach isn’t doing great, Jordan has a UTI and week-early period. We have realized that we both going to be going to the airplane bathroom about once an hour; and hence will be joining the mile high cry club.
My stomach gets quite a bit worse and the really rough toilet paper of the airport doesn’t help much. There is some confusion around which gate we’re going to be leaving from.
Fresh sock euphoria
Fresh sock euphoria
Then finally it’s time to go. I go to the toilet three million times and it looks like it’s going to persist on the plane which is less than ideal.
When we’re in the line to scan our passes there is a huge commotion with a large group of people yelling at the check in staff. It turns out that the plane has changed and they’ve had to kick thirty people off the flight. We hold thumbs that’s we aren’t included in that.
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We get to scan our passes and, we get the green light! We wait and watch the chaos of people being rejected and then board the plane.
I’m really not feeling too good but Jordan takes on full mother mode and makes it all better. I manage to sleep soundly all the way to Joburg.
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