Mzumbi Saturday

Mzumbi Saturday

Aug 6, 2022
A long sleep in the teepee ends at about 9:30am. I take it easy and finish off the Mdumbi paw paw in futerlife crunch and yogurt.
I take a wonder down to the beach to check the waves. The cow bell of an ice cream seller is alluring and I finally succumb. I buy two, one for Shelby who is sitting on the rocks near me and we watch the fishermen together.
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He is helping the fishermen out and he shows me the fish they have caught. The fishermen are from Durban and are not impressed that I don’t fish myself. One of them has low slung jeans over boxers with an even lower slung pair of tracksuit pants over the jeans.
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Dolphins swim past the small waves where two groms are getting some straight hangers. No surfing here for me. Maybe I’ll spend the day chilling and doing some Europe planning.
Graham calls and we chat about maybe linking up in the Transkei in early September.
I make a coffee and attempt to finally fix my inflatable hiking mattress. After submerging it in the pool many time I can’t find the hole - maybe it has fixed itself.
I lounge in a sun bed and do some Europe planning.
I’m realising how much better I’ve gotten at remember people’s names - well done Leo!
Met Nora, line, Akon, Adrian from Norway. Joseph is from Kenya. Dave with a linage of four generations of surfers is taking them on this trip.
Zef tells me a story about him in the cape flates. He’s the guy who dropped in the granny. Vapes are so good - what you gone do?
A castle milk stout, a pina colada and maybe a puff or three with Zef caused me to call it a night at 11pm and have a puke. Feeling rather high and silly I go to bed. Haha.
A thought: When you go back to work you have to really apply yourself - build the career capital for the speciality that you’re best in. Use that to make positive change when the opportunity arises.