

Sep 1, 2022
The alarm is snoozed a few times, seemingly autonomously. Coffee and accompanies me while I sit on Julian’s porch while he packs the car. I wake up slowly and manage to reach Julian’s level of alertness for the last half an hour before he leaves. We chat dichotomies of choosing a house to live in, such as: bath or fireplace, wood or parkade floors.
Today’s plan is to just relax and do some writing. I manage to catch up on yesterday’s travel journal - one that I was physically too exhausted to even attempt. Fabio, Andrea and their friend pull into the backpackers for breakfast and we reconcile our overlapping circles and remember that parties that we’ve met.
Filen tells me about how he’s on a mission to unite Ayurvedic methods with Xhosa healing. It’s fascinating and I think that his approach to it is sound. He’s going to be moving to a plot of land just up from the backpackers to live for a while.
Reheated curry on toast with melted cheese for lunch. Lorenzo in all his openness tells me that I’m too much sometimes - my reaction to this is something I’m proud of; with not even the tiniest bit of negative feelings towards that comment. It’s the first time in quite a while that someone has said something that wasn’t positive to my face and that’s definitely something worth reflecting on and being grateful for.
I come back up to the sun room with a flask full of rooibos and honey in an attempt to dedicate a few hours to juicing up the travel journal articles from the run.
Surf report wise it’s looking like Monday and Tuesday might hold some pretty good waves at Mdumbi. I’m thinking about staying around here until then, finishing up Bovineiterology and giving my body a break.
I bounce between conversations, eating, tea and writing throughout the day. I feel slightly hazy after the exertions of yesterday yet my mind is clear. The sunroom is warm and welcoming - the other guests in a similar state of hibernation to me.

Mdumbi mush


  • 7 salticrax
  • A lot of Spur salad and French fry dressing
  • Enough Pako curry paste
  • 2 boiled eggs
  • Some green beans
  • 1 diced onion
  • Enough butter to coat a pan. Then double that.
  • More grated cheese than you think


  1. Boil the eggs for 10 minutes
  1. Discard water and place eggs in cold water
  1. Melt butter
  1. Sauté onions until soft
  1. Add curry paste
  1. Add diced hard boiled eggs
  1. Add cheese
  1. Turn heat off
  1. Add Spur sauce