Sunday brunch

Sunday brunch

Oct 9, 2022
Dave wins the Peculator vs Aeropress argument this morning. I end up drinking one of each. I still back the Aeropress - but I’ll give Dave this victory as a thank you for letting us sleep on his couch.
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We hop onto the bus to go and visit my cousins Kirsten and Robynne for brunch. There is a road closure and we’re off the bus, walk down the closed road and then wait for another bus, luckily we’re early. When we get on the new bus there is a driver change and we’re back on our feet again. We still manage to get to Chinwag’s cafe on time.
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I haven’t seen Kirsten in years - and it’s a lovely catchup. Once again it’s a lifelong relationship that seems to all come back the moment you see them again. We eat some pretty great eggy breakfasts that - obviously - are all served on English muffins. We all catchup on what we’ve been doing over the last while and laugh a lot.
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Kirsten heads off and Robynne, Jordan and I browse a second hand and book store. We hop onto the tube to which Robynne is amused how excited I am by the trains. We say our goodbyes and Jordan and I head back to Dave and Molly to collect their bags. They won’t be home for a little while so we do the classic thing of buying a beer from an off-licence shop and playing a game of backgammon in the park.
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We say our goodbyes to Molly and Dave - they really have treated us - and head off to Sasha and Georgie where we’ll be staying for the week. They live in a beautiful flat and we’re blown away to see that we have a spare bedroom with a double bed! AAAAAH. We have a cup of tea that turns into dinner and have so much to talk about. We get onto the topic of the London foxes and I say that I really want to see one - Sasha suggests a walk around the neighbourhood to try out luck.
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We head down the road. Sasha tells us how the postboxes can be dated by the emblem on them from the ruling Kind or Queen of the time, this particular one was George. The symbol was GR which stands for George Rex (a street in Knysna!). After walking away a friendly cat follows us relentlessly and we name him George Rex.
And then I’m looking at a rather strange looking cat on the other side of the road. Or is it a dog? And then I realise that it’s a fox! Our walk is a success, we look at the Emerites stadium down the road and on the way back see three more foxes.
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Sleeping in a double bed is luxury.