Sunday in the country

Sunday in the country

Oct 16, 2022
We make a quick breakfast and put on the Lion King that Mia is watching for the first time. All the adults are potentially more engrossed than Mia.
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Mia is more interested in playing than leaving, but we eventually persuade her to part from her bunny and hair ties.
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We head off in the car. James, Mia and I are heading off to White Horse Hill to see the ancient carving in the hillside. Robynne and Kate are going for a SUP on the Thames. We drop Robynne and Kate and then cruise through beautiful country roads and James provides all the historical facts that I ask for.
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The view of the horse from the road is quite incredible - I had no idea it was so big. Apparently there are multiple sites across the UK where people more than three thousand years ago removed the topsoil to reveal white clay to form these massive figures.
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As we set off - James and Mia on the bike and BB running behind - BB actually decides that it’s a Sunday and she has no intention of running and sits down. After a little convincing James and Mia opt to keep her company by the car and I go for a run up the hill.
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The run is beautiful and my body feels great. There are many people looking at the horse and I’m surprised to see how beautifully it’s been maintained - manicured, actually. I run through a flock of sheep that part in my wake.
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We head back to The Swan - the pub where we had dropped Kate and Robynne. They arrive back on their SUPs at the perfect moment as we’re driving over the bridge they’re paddling under. I opt for a quick paddle and swim in the freezing Thames and then we get warm and have a beer in the sun. Followed by a pie.
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We’re feeling sleepy and happy. It’s a quick stop off at home and then goodbyes and off to the station with Robynne. We doze and stare out the window on the way home, it passes in a flash. I say my last goodbye (until December) to Robynne and head off to visit my friend Laura.
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I take a few trains and arrive at her house. We walk down the road to her local pub (two for two on pubs per day) and have a lovely catchup - she’s sharp as ever. We share a pizza and talk about being an adult, travelling, relationships, work and mindfulness. I wait out the rain and then head home; tired but charged from an amazing weekend spend with good, authentic people.
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