

Jul 21, 2022
East London
I wake up from a fantastic sleep. I’ve used a sleeping bag liner to sleep in and flayed the open sleeping bag on top. This is the secret it seems. I’m feeling healthy and rested.
There are two people surfing the yellow sands beach break, the point looks arguably better than yesterday. I’m still more interested in surfing Nahoon today though.
Played this playlist and went about the breakfast thing while being watched by vervet monkeys.
Arriving at Nahoon and it’s looking pretty good. Only a few people in the water, so I’m just going to watch it for a bit. Aaand they’ve all paddled in haha. There are are some nice waves but not incredible.
I take a walk around the point. Do a little butt and thigh strengthening (as I hear Damo has been running a lot haha) and head back to the carpark. I see a few people paddling out so I decide to join.
Nahoon is quite simply Uluwatu on a budget, in a mirror. It’s beautiful out there though. The waves are incredibly fun. My first one is the biggest that I get; a roundhouse into the foam and my fins almost lose control. I get a few more wraps after that and kick out. After an hour my brain starts playing the jaws music and I decide to to make avo rice cakes and a coffee in the carpark.
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I watch a whale furiously beat the water with its tail. Three grannies in a car argue about if there are surfers in the water or not.
“There they are, just in front of that ship!”
“What ship?”
I go to Buccaneers in Cinsa. It’s like the scene for a zombie apocalypse movie here; a yoga sign indicating an overgrown path into a dark bush, unswept bars and a dirty pool.
I go for a beautiful run down the beach. My body definitely knew that I had been sick for the last few days - so I kept it short and simple. Running down the beach in the Transkei is simply fucking beautiful. The ocean is alive. The beaches are endless, yet in a moment they dissipate and you’re trekking up some impossibly vertical sand dune into a beautiful milkwood forrest.
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I’m beginning to get really excited about the run with Damo next month. Holy shit it’s in a month. I cannot let myself get worked up about it though - I honestly think that I could do it tomorrow if I had to, it would be hard but possible. I’m going to do my best to use my legs everyday until then and be sure to rest and eat well. Rogue running in the Transkei is set to be… silly at the very least.
I decide to abandon the campsite and pay R50 more for a bed in an empty dorm. There was just a strange energy about the campsite. Something about the whole zombie apocalypse vibe. I’m having a beer at the bar while writing this; an Emerald Vale Amber Ale, which is a local brew.
I discover that I’ve got 3GB off YouTube data and end up watching some nonsense before bed.