To Mbona

To Mbona

Aug 17, 2022
We leave Johannesburg at 5am. It’s cold and dark but the stars are shining. Jordan has a work day today and as a champion sleeper she's out before we leave the suburb.
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I put on headphones and listen to some Giegling set that seems to suit the early morning drive.
Jordan and I have a long and incredible conversation about the end of the year and what that brings, traveling together and our relationship. I will forever be grateful for our incredible communication.
We’re at the Little Church just after it opens for two scones and a Rooibos tea. The happiest cat in the world jumps off its chair by the fire to get some scratches.
We’re heading off to Mbona near Hilton where Kath is house sitting for a while and Jordan will come stay with her. I’m going to spend a few days here before heading off to east London for the run.
Lunch is a pumpkin seed pesto on toast with leftover cheese soufflé which is truly amazing.
I spend some time on the laptop writing the Bovineiterology, but I’m feeling tired and don’t have the spice that I need to finish it off so I don’t force it.
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We make a curry for dinner that Jordan rates a 4/10 - but she’s a tough critic.
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