Tranquil Tuesday

Tranquil Tuesday

Aug 16, 2022
The morning starts slow. I’m in no rush. Oats is made correctly by measuring out a quarter cup and I’m surprised to find that it’s enough. I also determine that 25g of coffee is sufficient and extrapolate that over the length of our run next week to see how much I’m going to have to bring.
I finish off the fastpacking travel journal post in the sun outside. We do a load of washing. My body is feeling well rested and the stiffness has faded almost entirely - nice one body.
I drift between things and the day slides by. I finish writing the fastpacking travel journal and put together the video from the trip.
I’m usually able to make any cat I see comfortable enough to come up to me for some love and scratches. I meet a happy little cat (named Luna) in the garden but she keeps her distance, rolling in the grass and scratching herself on sticks - no need for me.
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Nikita starts baking some banana bread and I finally open my cacao macadamia nut butter and coax her incorporating it into the mixture. It’s amazing.
Jordan and I go for a little run around the neighborhood. It’s lovely to run with her again. She’s gotten strong and we have a flowing conversation related to our surroundings.
Leftover spaghetti bolognese for dinner and banana bread. I begin packing as we’ve decided to go visit Kath at Mbona tomorrow.