Waiting for the swell

Waiting for the swell

Sep 5, 2022
Wind slams the car in the early morning - the predecessor of the cold front to come. My sleep is disrupted and drags on longer than normal. I take a walk down to the point to see what swell there is; not much. I’m trying to get back into doing some exercise so a few glute and core exercises happen in the sun.
I’m just going to spend the day writing today. And if the waves arrives then I will do some surfing. Typing is beginning to feel as easy as thinking again and the words pretty much write themselves.
Cuan comes marching in again and stops for a cigarette. Today he talks about how the world’s economy is going to SHTF (shit hits the fan) and how he’s tapping out of it all. He’s clever and knowledgeable but definitely spends too much time dwelling on potential events that would cause negative outcomes.
I go to the garden to pick some spinach. Sauté it along with green beans and onion with a lot of curry paste and proceed to make a pretty incredible omelette.
Adi makes a communal coffee pot and we set outside and have a chat. I finally ask him how he is so ripped. He kind of doesn’t have an answer other than being an adventure guide for many years.
I see a lump or two in the ocean and go investigate. I notice a large hiking group coming up the hill. There’s a left breaking into the the rip! I run back to grab Kim.
Simply put the surf is just absolute fun. Waist high peeling lefts breaking going all the way to the beach. It’s soft and sometimes fades away but there are a few that come through with a good line. I surf well and get a huge amount of waves (more than Garmin registers). Marcus joins me out there for the sunset glory.
Vegetable lasagne for dinner tonight. The whole hiking group is mulling around the common room when I get up there. They are all older people from around the country who have been doing a segment of the Transkei each year. They have two eccentric drivers who can talk.
Nicky - one of the drivers - forces some Ballentines on me. I join them for a conversation. She’s accompanied by Baba who has a house near Hole in the wall. They ask questions interestedly, and it’s a good time.
Dinner time - I’m starving. We sit inside while Filen plays guitar and I talk quietly with a woman called (Carin) Krog who is an adventure mom of note. She tells me stories of their family motorcycle trips around Africa, the Camino trail and other adventures. She drove around Malawi on an XT500… who is this legend. She lives in Howick; classic.